

Study Chinese

With globalization, outsourcing and free trade, the world is fast changing economically, politcally and sociologically. Over the years China has grown to become a major economy for the West to…


中国学生申请报读新加坡主流学校都只需参加新加坡教育部所举办的国际学生入学考试(Admissions Exercise for International Students,简称AEIS)。通过AEIS考试的申请者会收到新加坡教育部的入校通知,说明所分配到的学校及报读详情。


国际文凭大学预科(International Baccalaureate Diploma Program,简称IBDP)是一个高素质的国际性教育课程。全球各国的国际学校都视IB教育课程为首选。新加坡的国际学校也不例外。不但如此,许多新加坡本土学校也开始对IB课程产生浓厚的兴趣。近几年来,多家新加坡本土学校已开始提供IB课程以培育更具备国际意识的学生。





Normal Academic Math

Promotion criteria for Normal Academic (NA) students were revised in 2009 to base on N-Level examination aggregate score on EMB3 (English, Math and best 3 subjects). The revision aligns promotion…

O Level For Normal Academic Student

Normal Academic (NA) streaming was introduced in early 1990s with the purpose of allowing students with different abilities and learning styles to develop and sustain an interest in their studies.…

Choosing Secondary School

Choosing a secondary school at Primary 6 is the first big decision in life for all Singapore students. Helping the child to choose secondary school can be a confusing task…

Secondary School Posting Appeal

Entering into secondary school, life could be smooth sailing for some students but not all. There are many occasions where a secondary student needs to make a school appeal for…